NFTs Guide - NFTs World


Go ahead and screenshot Fortnite skins. They look cool, right? Of course they do. But you wouldn't screenshot those & brag about it. Why? Because it's worthless. You can't use the screenshots of Fortnite skins on your characters, so it's pointless. Same goes for Roblox or anything else where can spend money for in-game cosmetic things that don't actually do anything otherwise.

Doing these doesn't give you ownership of the item nor any benefits said ownership gives (membership, tickets, royalties, access to something, rights to use it, use of the item in a game, free airdrops of other NFTs, etc). Not all NFTs have these things so make sure you check into the benefits/extras, if any, you get for owning it.

If you do this & try to sell as your own then

  • That's theft
  • You're becoming part of the problem that you're arguing against.

What if I don't want those benefits?

Then don't buy it. Simple.

No, you cannot take someone else's work, re-upload it & sell it as your own (unless stated otherwise or if it is CC0). That's theft, against copyright & just ridiculous. It also won't retain the same benefits if the original has any.

Copyright & fair use is still a thing. Look it up. You don't need to go through a whole bunch of legal rules to make sure your work can't be copied, etc. Please use common sense. If you're taking someone else's work to pass off as your own, you're in the wrong. You gain nothing except potential lawsuits or other troubles. 

Respect others & you'll be respected

An NFT is more than an image. Some aren't even images for one thing plus there's metadata, what they represent & many other things that that "just an image" represents



  • It's an open market, so anyone is free to sell or make any offers of any price.
  • Things are speculative, especially right now with NFTs booming. People buy as an investment or to flip for a higher price because they think others will find it valuable enough to buy higher. It's very unpredictable.
  • It's new technology with new possibilities!


The argument that NFTs harm the environment is largely misinformation. Think about it, if it was really as bad as what they're saying, then the sheer amount of NFTs in existence would likely be worse than every gas fuel vehicle on the planet being driven non-stop all day every day for 5 years. It isn't.

Blockchain "gas" is simply a term used for "transaction fee". It was used some years ago & clearly didn't age well as the media has decided they could spin this narrative that "gas" fees equate to the same "gas" you put in your car & that the value is the price of that gas. This is false. It is not "gasoline".

Proof of work blockchains take a large amount of energy to run, but the blockchain would be running & exist regardless of whether or not NFTs existed. It didn't start with NFTs. NFTs take no more energy than anything else on the blockhain. The high gas fees are because of greed. The higher your gas fee, the higher the priority & incentive to the miners who have to mine your transaction & therefore, the higher the likelihood it gets through faster.

NFTs exist on proof of stake blockchains as well, which take far less energy to run. So the blanket statement that "NFTs harm the environment" is false. Otherwise, the same would be true of anyone ever uploading an image or other file to Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or anything else.

If you worry about how much NFTs harm the environment, you should look into what it takes to produce your smartphone or other similar device.



  • True, provable ownership.
  • To support artists more than they traditionally have been.
  • To get in on & be a part of new technology.
  • Because you want to.
  • Imagine owning your Fortnite skins & being able to trade them or sell them. With NFTs this is actually possible.
  • NFTs are more than "just images". They can be all file types, have membership benefits, be event tickets, represent a share of something else or things like this:


Are your Fortnite skins or Roblox items real? You can buy those too & people do. Oh, but that's "different" for some reason, right? And what happens if your account gets banned? All those items are gone along with any money you spent on them.

NFTs can have a physical part to them. Not all do, but some may. It has been done before. In this case, the NFT is more like a receipt of the physical item. Some may be something you can redeem for the physical piece & thereby burn the NFT, receiving the physical work in its place.

If you don't like NFTs because they aren't physical, then more power to you. You don't have to like NFTs or invest in them or even think about them. No one is forcing you to like them or buy them or make them & if they are, they're in the wrong. If you like physical things, that's completely fine. 



You can upload files to mint as NFTs on Rarible, OpenSea, Mintbase, Hicetnunc, Kalamint,, Zora, Foundation, Cargo & probably more. It should be pretty easy to figure out how to create on each site.


Likely not. Google simply displays images from elsewhere but that doesn't mean they are for public use.

If you want to use other images, check out Unsplash or Pixabay. They have CC0 so you can do pretty much anything with them. 

We still recommend being creative & doing something else with them to make them unique to you!